This is a site which allows people to talk about various manufacturing of international bio magnetic and quantum science technology energy based products. It is a place to offer reviews on multiple products that are available from the manufacturer’s end. While all are welcome to provide their feedback on various products, they are requested to show courtesy while doing so. This site also makes use of cookies to monitor web traffic. Cookies will tell us how many people are viewing the page at a certain point in time. This site may require the need for viewers to be tracked based on their IP address. Hence the cookies will show when a particular person has logged into the site. All information that is collected from people is secured so that data is not misused. We ensure that any data that is obtained from the visitors are not shared with anyone. This site makes use of cookies only to improve the quality of services to the site. We focus on quality to ensure that all information that is available on the site can be accessed by anyone who is looking for information on such energy products. This site is also to provide reviews of various products, so feedback is always welcome. However, you are requested to be courteous to others, and any verbal abuse or offensive language will not be tolerated on the site. This site is also for manufacturers of these products to share the details of the product so that visitors will know about the products better.